Monday, February 21, 2011

We all rate

Anybody that thinks that America needs less or cheaper or reduced or 
think they can't afford health care just because we don't rate for 
some reason and does not realize that we need more and better and 
readily accessible health care. A person who doesn't believe this just 
hasn't been very sick or hurt.  People who are really hurt or sick 
regardless of their social or economic situation always think their 
name belongs on the top of the list.  Which is the way it should be. 

I have a plan to fix it all.  It will be more cost efficient, reduce
non medical cost,  create competition,  simplify the system,  and
reduce the size of the government. 
All my doctors have said it would work. Yet stating I'm delusional if
I think I could get it done. 
I will go over it in detail later on.  still looking for input 

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