Monday, February 21, 2011

Health Care

Health care is the largest productivity drain the United States has we all know it is broke so I won't go into it.  This is what we should do to fix it.

First I want to state the I feel that health care is a right and not a privileged.  It is the responsibility of the Government to insure equal and fair access for all to America's awesome health care system.
We all know that having things done by the Government is expensive.  What I propose is that the government turns all health care over to private insurance companies.  The rules being
1. YOU ARE COVERED!!!  yes everything from head to toe.
2. You go to your choice of Dr. or other Professional and your insurance pays the bill.
3. It is fair and easy to change insurance.
4. All payments to the insurance companies comes from the government set by competitive bidding.

That is it.
We could then close the Medicaid and Medicare and other heath provider programs.  It would change Workmans comp.  tort law and much more, but mostly it would put jet fuel into productivity and small business growth.
thank you for your time

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