Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Rant on Politics

I watched face the nation today and it is quite funny listening to the various statements about cuts and going with less and having less, we can't afford it and such statements coming out of the mouth of politics these days.
My message to all the nay sayers is that you won't last long.  Nobody is going to do with less.  It is not the american way to have less.  If you are in politics and are spewing the message of less.  Don't get to comfortable.

I Now give my first blog advise to all who will listen.
Think Productivity.  The governments focus should be productivity and fairness.  We can afford everything we want and need from healthcare for all, and a much larger pool of wealthy citizens, extensive affordable education and opportunity for the upcoming generations.
Right now the system is out of whack and does not promote productivity.  Supposed quality of life programs the government has implemented restrict the productivity of all enrolled.  The cost of running the programs also reduce overall growth.
Stop telling me to take less, have less, do with less, start telling me more about fixing the system to create what we all want, a free, fair, healthy and wealthy country.
thanks for your time.

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